FERDI's research activities on international aid effectiveness and aid allocation policies have contributed to international discussions and helped in the taking account of vulnerabilities in financing for development.
↪ to influence the debate on international development architecture.
↪ to promote the consideration of structural vulnerabilities in the allocation of concessional funds.
↪ to assess the effectiveness of external funding for development.
↪ 20th FERDI Anniversary Symposium, February 2024. A progress update on the International Architecture of Development Finance Chair's activities was presented. For the second phase of its chair activities, FERDI is prioritizing 4 major issues often overlooked in the reform of international development finance: Sustainable resource mobilization, equitable and efficient allocation between countries, financing entrepreneurship, de-risking for impact, and ensuring the accountability of public commitments.
↪ FERDI contributes to update, develop, and share arguments for considering vulnerability in aid allocation criteria.
↪ Studies on fuel taxation for civil aviation and maritime transport. This analysis provides a quantitative basis for ongoing international discussions and negotiations.
↪ Aid conditionality. For the Swedish aid evaluation office (EBA) FERDI provided a review of the academic literature over the last 20 years on the evolution, nature, and effectiveness of conditionality. This study is complemented by a short note from Ferdi (B266, Boussichas M., Guillaumont P., Guillaumont Jeanneney S., 2024) and a contribution by the International Architecture of Development Finance Chair.
↪ Database on Public Development Banks. FERDI has joined forces with the Agence Française de Développement and the Institute for New Structural Economics at Peking University to update and expand a database created as part of the Finance in Common Summit. This database lists more than 500 institutions worldwide
↪ The book Quel pacte financier mondial pour les pays pauvres et vulnérables [What global financial pact for poor and vulnerable countries?] has been published.