International Financing for Sustainable Development

Advocating for an international development finance architecture that prioritises the allocation of resources as much as their mobilisation, addressing both development needs and climate and environmental concerns.

FERDI's research activities on international aid effectiveness and aid allocation policies have contributed to international discussions and helped in the taking account of vulnerabilities in financing for development. 


 ↪ to influence the debate on international development architecture.

 ↪ to promote the consideration of structural vulnerabilities in the allocation of concessional funds.

 ↪ to assess the effectiveness of external funding for development.

Latest Achievements

20th FERDI Anniversary Symposium, February 2024. A progress update on the International Architecture of Development Finance Chair's activities was presented. For the second phase of its chair activities, FERDI is prioritizing 4 major issues often overlooked in the reform of international development finance: Sustainable resource mobilization, equitable and efficient allocation between countries, financing entrepreneurship, de-risking for impact, and ensuring the accountability of public commitments.

FERDI contributes to update, develop, and share arguments for considering vulnerability in aid allocation criteria.

  ↪ Studies on fuel taxation for civil aviation and maritime transport. This analysis provides a quantitative basis for ongoing international discussions and negotiations.

Aid conditionality.  For the Swedish aid evaluation office (EBA) FERDI provided a review of the academic literature over the last 20 years on the evolution, nature, and effectiveness of conditionality. This study is complemented by a short note from Ferdi (B266, Boussichas M., Guillaumont P., Guillaumont Jeanneney S., 2024) and a contribution by the International Architecture of Development Finance Chair

Database on Public Development Banks. FERDI has joined forces with the Agence Française de Développement and the Institute for New Structural Economics at Peking University to update and expand a database created as part of the Finance in Common Summit. This database lists more than 500 institutions worldwide

  ↪ The book Quel pacte financier mondial pour les pays pauvres et vulnérables [What global financial pact for poor and vulnerable countries?] has been published.

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