Sylviane Guillaumont Jeanneney

Special Advisor, FERDI
Professor Emeritus, former member of the Board of the Agence française de développement (AFD)


Sylviane Guillaumont Jeanneney is a special advisor at FERDI. She is also a member of the FERDI's Chair working group on the international architecture of financing for development.

A former professor at the University of Auvergne, she was also the director of CERDI.

For many years, she was an administrator at the French Development Agency (AFD). She was President of the French Association of Economics, member of the Economic Analysis Council, member of the National Committee for Scientific Research.

Her main research topics are development economics, international cooperation, monetary policy, exchange rate policy, fiscal policy, and environmental issues.

She is the author of many articles and books. Her most recent publications are L'aide au développement sous un regard chrétien [Development Aid from a Christian Perspective] (Salvator, 2018), Linking Security and Development – A plea for the Sahel (FERDI, 2017), Régimes et stratégies de change dans les pays en développement [Exchange Regimes and Strategies in Developing Countries] (Economica, 2015), Intégration régionale pour le développement en Zone franc  [Regional Integration for Development in the Franc Area] (Economica, 2013). 

Her latest articles focus on the franc zone, the effect of real exchange rates on manufacturing production in Africa, and the impact of volatility on inequality.


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