Analysis of vulnerabilities

FERDI is involved in the analysis of developing countries' vulnerability in its different forms (economic, climatic, and socio-political), measurement of vulnerability, and the use that can be made of the corresponding indicators for international policy.



  • Develop and enrich research on vulnerability indicators.
  • Support the inclusion of vulnerabilities in international development financing.

Achievements 2022

FERDI is involved in the work of the High-Level Panel responsible for developing a Multidimensional Vulnerability Index (MVI).

Preparations for the 5th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in Doha, held in March 2023. FERDI supports the plea of vulnerable countries to adopt a universal, multidimensional and structural vulnerability index. 

FERDI published several documents on how vulnerability can and should be taken into account in development financing.

Update of the Physical Vulnerability to Climate Change Index (PVCCI) and development of the indicator at sub-national level. This indicator measures the main structural or physical consequences of climate change likely to affect the well-being and activity of populations.


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