United nations High-Level Political Forum 2023

July 13, 2023, New York

Matthieu Boussichas (FERDI) presented the LDC-V Monitor, that FERDI is developing in collaboration with the OECD Development Centre and UN-Wider.

Matthieu Boussichas, a program officer at Ferdi, was invited by the French delegation to speak at the plenary session titled "African countries, Least Developed Countries and Landlocked Developing Countries Turning the tide, regaining lost ground and embarking on the road to the SDGs."

He presented the LDC-V Monitor, that FERDI is developing in collaboration with the OECD Development Centre and UN-Wider. 

The LDC V Monitor project aims to analyse the commitments of the Doha Agenda adopted last year. 

During his speech, Matthieu Boussichas emphasized the importance of independently and comprehensively assessing specific key aspects of the implementation and effectiveness of the extensive and ambitious Doha Agenda. He mentioned that the LDC-V Monitor is a continuation of the LDC IV Monitor, which was established in 2011. The LDC IV Monitor brought together development institutions from both the global South and North, as well as think tanks, including FERDI.

The OECD Development Centre, FERDI, and the United Nations University, UN-Wider, intend to revitalize this initiative and apply it to the Doha Agenda, by once again bringing together think tanks and development and research institutions from the South and North in a consortium called the LDC V Monitor. 

The aim is to assess how effective the Doha Development Agenda is in maintaining and strengthening the interest of policy-makers, practitioners and the public in supporting LDCs. It also seeks to produce proposals for the implementation of this program.

The LDC V Monitor intends to focus on themes that are at the heart of the Doha agenda, namely the structural vulnerability of LDCs in its various dimensions, the monitoring of policies to address this, and in particular the structural transformation of LDCs according to their specific characteristics and policy choices. 

Matthieu Boussichas also mentioned that the definition of the LDC V Monitor is at an advanced stage, and should be finalized by the end of the year. He expressed hope that many LDC partners would support this project, taking inspiration from France, which has already committed to this approach.

Matthieu Boussichas also pointed out that the definition of the LDC V Monitor is well advanced and should be finalised by the end of the year. He hopes that many LDC partners will support this project, as France is doing, for example.