Partnership with the WAEMU Commission

Partnership with the WAEMU Commission
In 2023, the WAEMU Commission and FERDI signed a new three-year agreement (2023-2025).

This partnership focuses on five priority actions: 

  1. Estimating the fiscal potential of WAEMU countries and promoting green taxation (Taxation for Development programme).
  2. Monitoring the vulnerability of WAEMU countries (Vulnerabilities and Security programme).  FERDI proposes vulnerability indices for monitoring WAEMU countries, including relevant local geographical levels. This collaboration will continue until 2025, with the publication of a report and the organisation of workshops.
  3. Exploring new trends in the digital economy (Private Sector and Development programme).
  4. Developing policies for agricultural modernisation (Private Sector and Development programme).
  5. Creating employment policies for young people (Human Capital programme).


  • Union économique et monétaire ouest africaine-UEMOA

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