The Multidimensional Vulnerability Index under the lights: for what purpose?

It has been a long road to arrive at the Multidimensional Vulnerability Index, now known as MVI. For more than 30 years, Small Island Developing States (SIDS), at international meetings dedicated to them, notably in Mauritius in 2005 and Samoa in 2014, have been calling for an index that would show their high vulnerability and could be used to channel more resources to them. The impetus for the development of such an index was given by UN General Assembly Resolution 75/215 in December 2020 inviting its Secretary-General to make recommendations to establish a “Multidimensional Vulnerability Index for Small Island States, including its potential finalization and use”. 

Guillaumont P. (2024) “The Multidimensional Vulnerability Index under the lights: for what purpose?”, Ferdi Policy Brief B270, July.

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