Effect of exchange rate policies on development

This programme covers issues related to the impact of exchange rate policies on development, the quality of public spending, commodity price volatility and terms of trade deterioration, and macroeconomic modelling.

FERDI closely collaborates with CERDI, Banque de France, WAEMU, and CEMAC in exploring these topics. 


↪ Contribute to research on monetary policies in developing countries.

↪ Investigate the factors that influence African participation in global value chains.

↪ Contribute to research on financial structures and development in partnership with the Banque de France. 

Achievements 2023-2024

After assisting in the establishment of the Macroeconomic Helpdesk for the European Commission's General Department for International Partnerships in 2022, Grégoire Rota-Graziosi is leading the project's expansion. Supported by FERDI in 2023, this internal macroeconomic and financial analysis tool has produced various reports and policy briefs on topics such as budget risk management, green budgeting, and de-dollarization, and organized webinars for EU Commission staff.

Research on the connections between exchange rate policy and climate change will be presented and discussed at the International Symposium organized by the Central Bank of Madagascar in Antananarivo.

Jaime de Melo and Marcelo Olarreaga are editing a special issue of The World Economy dedicated to the symposium on supply chain trade in Africa. The issue is titled "Supply Chain Trade in Africa: Retrospect and Prospect," vol. 46 (issue 11).

FERDI and the Banque de France continue their collaborative efforts to produce studies and organize conferences and seminars. In 2023, they covered topics including debt sustainability (conference on April 7, 2023), financial digitization (conference on June 5, 2023), and the macroeconomic challenges of low-income countries (research seminar on January 18, 2023). Additional research includes a paper by Florian Léon and Djeneba Dramé on business leaders' perceptions of monetary policy, and a study by Antoine Clair (DG Trésor), Luc Jacolin, and Paul Vertier (Banque de France) on price variation and critical metal production, both discussed in seminars and published as FERDI working papers P338 and P339, respectively.

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