Energy Transition, Resources, and Environment

In all its programmes, FERDI integrates environmental issues, particularly those related to climate. This specific programme presents FERDI's work focused more specifically on the energy transition.

In a world facing complex challenges related to energy transition, resource conservation, and environmental protection, FERDI continued its efforts in 2023 to analyse, evaluate, and advocate for innovative solutions. From understanding the links between trade and climate policies, to assessing the impact of mini-grids on development, to mobilizing finance for climate resilience, FERDI is actively engaged in initiatives crucial for a sustainable future. Climate considerations are integrated into all of FERDI's programs. Additionally, by launching a chair dedicated to natural resource management, FERDI is promoting policy dialogue and cutting-edge research for more informed governance.


↪ Design a concerted policy to reduce barriers (tariff and non-tariff) to trade in environmental goods.

↪ Assess the impact of mini-grids and decentralised electrification on development. 

↪ Advocate at COP meetings that commitments to mitigation and adaptation, and not just mitigation, be met for and by poor and vulnerable countries.

Achievements 2023-2024

The article "The landscape of CO2 emissions across Africa: A comparative perspective" was published in The World Economy. This article by Jaime de Melo and Jean-Marc Solleder highlights the increase in intensity of the carbon footprint of production in Africa and highlights the urgent need to reduce this footprint. It follows and concludes a series of articles published in 2022 on the subject.

 ↪ The RCT method, an innovative method for assessing the impact of mini-grids on access to electricity and development is producing its first results

The Natural Resources Management Chair was created.


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