Impact of decentralised electrification projects

FERDI is developing an innovative development impact assessment method.


Achievements 2023-2024

 ↪ Following the completion of an intelligent mapping of decentralized electrification projects in 2017 (Cosmma database), Jean-Claude Berthelemy (Université Paris 1, FERDI), Mathilde Maurel (Université Paris 1, FERDI) and Vincent Nossek (FERDI) have developed an innovative method for assessing the impact of mini-grids on access to electricity and development is now showing its first results. This RCT method integrates NTL (Nighttime Lights) data obtained from satellite observations and data from light field surveys of localities and service providers. Inexpensive, this is the first time this type of evaluation has been carried out for mini-networks. It covered 12 Madagascan villages. Ultimately, the results of this work will help to build capacity in terms of the monitoring and evaluation of mini-grid projects and the planning of investment programmes for the electrification of the African continent. Preliminary results show a positive effect on electricity consumption and health. This work is being carried out in collaboration with Electriciens sans frontières.


  • Club-ER
  • Électriciens sans frontières


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