For information on the seminars and training offered by the IHEDD as well as for any custom organization request, please contact:
Institut des hautes études du développement durable (IHEDD)
63 boulevard François-Mitterrand, CS 50320
63009 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex
Les candidatures pour la session 2024-2025 (GPE 31) sont closes.
Since its creation in 1994, the Economic Policy Management (GPE) training programme has been acknowledged as one of the main French courses for building capacity in public economics for stakeholders from developing countries, in particular French-speaking countries in sub-Saharan Africa. It leads to a Master 2, a national diploma issued by the University of Clermont Auvergne (UCA).
Dedicated to public development policies, the GPE programme meets a pressing need expressed by developing countries for professional economists with the ability to design and implement economic policies effectively.
Under an agreement signed with the UCA and in cooperation with the School of Economics and the Center for International Development Studies and Research (CERDI), the Foundation for International Development Studies and Research (FERDI) -a public utility foundation- is responsible for the administrative and logistical management of the GPE program and collaborates on the training engineering. The GPE program participates in the international activities of French public service schools and institutions.
The GPE program was launched in 1994 under the sponsorship of the World Bank and the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE). It was qualified as a "Partner Program" by the World Bank in 2019. It has also been supported by the French Development Agency (AFD) since 2022.
The three sponsors provide support through scholarships that cover the entire participation of future auditors in the training cycle, including training fees and logistics.
The allocation of scholarships by these three sponsors is guided by their own selection criteria, with Ferdi and the University of Clermont Auvergne examining the eligibility of candidates in advance.
Because of the fierce competition for scholarships each year and the announcement of the results in June-July, candidates are encouraged to approach other potential sponsors-primarily their own administration and entities dedicated to capacity building-early on in the process of paying for their training.
This 9-month training course (from October to June) delivered by the School of Economics of the UCA with the teacher-researchers of the Cerdi and with the support of the Ferdi, offers a broad and solid curriculum on public development policies designed and implemented within the framework of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The courses are delivered 100% in person in Clermont-Ferrand. The program is delivered in French, but knowledge of English is desirable.
The target public is in the majority, but not exclusively, French-speaking. It mainly comprises economists with established careers, technical consultants, ministerial advisers, and those in charge of studies in the major departments of the Ministries of Finance and the Economy, Planning, Agriculture, Trade, and International Economic Cooperation, and managers from central banks and government audit institutions.
In addition to the permanent team of lecturers and researchers from the Clermont-Ferrand international development center (School of Economics of the University of Clermont Auvergne, CERDI, and FERDI), the GPE programme mobilises international experts, academics (and through them universities and research centres), executives of the French administration (MEAE, AFD, Treasury, Banque de France) as well as executives of major international and regional institutions which implement public development policies (World Bank, IMF, European Commission, African Development Bank, OECD, etc).
The GPE program awards a Masters 2 degree (2nd-year Masters) "Economic Analysis and International Development" from the School of Economics of the University of Clermont Auvergne whose members are researchers at CERDI.
The students of the GPE program are subject to an examination regime with several examinations: a continuous test (based on about ten thematic modules), an oral exam (discussion in front of a jury about an economic policy question to test the knowledge acquired during the training and the capacity to summarize), and writing a memo to their Minister (drafting a report of about twenty pages written during the year under the direction of a tutor, aimed at providing his Minister with a series of recommendations based on a very practical economic policy question posed by the Minister).
To apply to the GPE programme, candidates must hold a Master 1 degree (1-year Masters), preferably in economics, and have at least 3 years of professional experience in public development policies.
The application file is composed of 5 elements: the application form (available online below), a recent curriculum vitae, a copy of the diploma justifying the Master 1 level, and 2 letters of professional recommendation.
Each application -complete and duly completed- is carefully examined. The candidate's eligibility is then declared (or not), on the basis of the joint consideration of the academic level, the professional profile and the statement of motivations.
Admission will be considered final once the applicant has provided a guarantee of support.
Training costs are €15,700 per student for the 9-month programme.
The students must also provide estimates of any logistical costs (travel and accommodation). For more details, please contact us.
Philippe MESSÉANT, Administrateur du programme GPE, IHEDD, Ferdi
+33 (0) et
Émeline CAMPAGNE, Chargée administrative des formations, IHEDD, Ferdi
+33 (0) et