
For information on the seminars and training offered by the IHEDD as well as for any custom organization request, please contact:

Institut des hautes études du développement durable (IHEDD)
63 boulevard François-Mitterrand, CS 50320
63009 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex

The Master's degree in Project Management for Development (Master Maîtrise d’Ouvrage pour le Développement – MODEV in French) is a professional training and qualification for institutions’ or companies' project leaders.

MODEV is a specialization within the Master's program in Economics and International Development offered by the University of Clermont Auvergne (UCA).

It is a collaborative effort involving UCA's School of Economics, the Fondation pour les études et recherches sur le développement international (FERDI), and the Campus AFD, the training center of the French Development Agency (AFD).

Face-to-face teaching takes place at the AFD Campus in Marseille and at the UCA School of Economics and FERDI in Clermont Ferrand. The training program will take place over a total period of 9 months in 2024/2025, alternating distance and classroom teaching according to the schedule below. 

Les inscriptions pour l'année universitaire 2024-2025 sont closes.
Les résultats définitifs de la sélection de la promotion MODEV18 2024-2025 seront communiqués aux candidats à partir du 24 juin. 

First semester
Distance learning
  • Distance learning 1st period: September 23, 2024 - December 6, 2024
  • Distance learning 2nd period: January 6, 2025 - March 7, 2025
Second semester

Marseille (France): March 10, 2025-April 11, 2025
Clermont Ferrand (France): April 14, 2025 - May 16, 2025
Marseille (France): May 19, 2025 - May 30, 2025

Objectives of the Master

This multi-disciplinary training combines economics, finance, and management. It develops autonomy in the management of sustainable development projects. 

This 9-months training course has the following objectives:

  • To reinforce the knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills of the participants to make them actors of change (entrepreneurs within their institutions);
  • To contribute to the emergence of a network of development professionals.

The overall aim is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the public and private project leaders in the South who contribute to transitions towards sustainable development.


Priority is granted to managers and executives from ministries, local authorities, public institutions, companies (both public and private), financial institutions (both public and private), and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The MASTER program is exclusively open to individuals from AFD member countries or areas where AFD operates. 

Training in French.

Selection criteria

For the class of 2024/2025, 25 scholarship places are foreseen (half of which are reserved for female applicants) and approximately 10 non-scholarship places. 

CAUTION! Scholarship recipients means that the AFD covers the cost of living in France. Students with scholarships are not exempt from paying registration fees and AFD does not pay for their flights. It is up to their employers to pay for these two expenses. 

Non-scholarship holders must pay - or find a sponsor capable of paying - all living expenses for the 3-month period in France, as well as flights and registration fees. 

MODEV - Différences de prises en charges entre boursiers et non boursiers –
Engagements des candidats

Pendant la période à distance (septembre-mars), les candidats, qu’ils soient boursiers ou non-boursiers, s’engagent à consacrer l’équivalent de 2 jours par semaine à la formation (suivi des cours et activités associées) et à être au rendez-vous des classes virtuelles. Ils s’engagent à consacrer le temps de travail personnel nécessaire à la construction-rédaction du mémoire (octobre-mai). Ils s’engagent à être présents et être disponible à temps plein pour la période en présentiel (mars-mai).
Les évaluations (contrôle continu) et examens se déroulent dès la période à distance.
Les candidats non-boursiers s’engagent à trouver les moyens de financement nécessaires.

Engagements des employeurs pour les candidats boursiers

L’AFD organise ce Master dans l’objectif de renforcer les capacités des maitrises d’ouvrage du Sud qui oeuvrent pour les Objectifs de Développement Durable. Si ces maitrises d’ouvrage trouvent un intérêt à cette formation diplômante pour leurs cadres, il est attendu en retour qu’elles s’engagent à :

Leur dégager le temps nécessaire pendant les jours ouvrés pour suivre l’enseignement à distance, notamment quand il s’agit de suivre des classes virtuelles, entre septembre et mars (temps nécessaire estimé à deux jours par semaine) ;

  • Leur faciliter les activités et l’accès aux informations nécessaires à leur travaux de recherche afin qu’ils préparent leurs mémoire ;
  • Assurer la prise en charge des frais de formation et d’inscription universitaire pour un montant estimé à 2400 euros pour l’année universitaire 2024/2025
  • Assurer la prise en charge de leur frais de voyage pour qu’ils participent à la session de formation présentielle en France ;
  • Maintenir les éléments de leurs rémunérations pendant la session de formation organisée en France


AFD executives, professors from UCA (School of Economics and School of Management), and professionals teach the Masters class.

Training content

The nine-month training cycle consists of two academic semesters comprising 10 teaching units, the content of which is detailed below. 

The first semester will be delivered by distance learning. It will continue at CAM/VAL in Marseille for 6 weeks, then at the UCA School of Economics and FERDI for 6 weeks during the second semester. The course is multidisciplinary. 

It provides fundamental knowledge of economics, practical approaches to project management, concrete focus on specific themes and fun, participative workshops to mobilize collective intelligence and enable the sharing of ideas. 

Students are also required to write a dissertation on a development issue related to their professional activity. The course is particularly intensive and requires a high level of work capacity.

2023-2024 Session

Applications are open from 15 December 2023 to 30 January 2024. 


15 December 2023. Launch of the call for applications.

30 January 2024. Deadline for applications (scholarship holders and non-scholarship holders)

12 April 2024. Written test for shortlisted candidates

Early June 2024. Announcement of the final selection (scholarship holders and non-scholarship holders)

23 September 2024. Start of the course
9-month course :

Distance learning from 23 September 2024 to 7 March 2025. 

Face-to-face teaching in Marseille and Clermont-Ferrand from 10 March 2025 to 30 May 2025. 


Most of the face-to-face teaching takes place in Marseille, in the AFD offices. Three weeks are scheduled in Clermont-Ferrand.

Contact / Information: Simon Goutner -

Les partenaires du MODEV –

A large network of alumni

Created in 1963, and transformed into a master's degree in 2006, this course has already nearly 2,800 alumni, including more than 400 since its approval as a master's degree. It has created a network of alumni who now hold positions of responsibility in government ministries, local authorities, businesses, financial institutions, and NGOs in countries of the South, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian Ocean. 

The diversity of origins - West Africa, Maghreb, Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean, and profiles - engineers, researchers, analysts, program managers, heads of services in private companies and public organizations, bring great richness to this master's program during which exchanges are unique and stimulating.