Researcher CNRS, UMR CERDI

Senior Fellow FERDI and and Scientific Advisor to the Chair of Agricultural Modernisation Policies in Africa


Catherine Araujo-Bonjean is a researcher at the CNRS. She is attached to the Centre d'Études et de Recherche en Développement International (CERDI), a CNRS/University of Clermont Auvergne Joint Research Unit.

She has a PhD in economics with a specialization in development economics. 
Her main areas of research are: agricultural policies, commodity markets, household behavior, and vulnerability to economic and climate risks. Her main geographic area of investigation is Sub-Sahara Africa. 

She is the author of numerous works published in international scientific journals. She is also a consultant for international institutions such as the World Bank, FAO, and UNDP.

She is a Ferdi Senior Fellow and scientific advisor of the Chair "Agricultural modernisation policies in Africa".

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