International labor mobility and inequality across nations

January 23, 2014 > January 24, 2014, Clermont-Ferrand

An international conference organized by FERDI, CERDI and IRES (UCLouvain)

The conference was devoted to investigating the effects of international migration on the geographic distribution of human capital and its implications for the world economy.

Questions addressed were : How large are migration flows (by education and by gender)? How does labor mobility affect inequality across nations? What are the determinants of migration flows/stocks? Are policy barriers quantitatively important? How would the world economy respond to a (selective or non-selective) liberalization of labor mobility?

A selection of papers from the conference will be considered for a special issue of The World Economy.

Organizers and scientific committee: 

Simone Bertoli (Université d’Auvergne), Jim de Melo (University of Geneva), Frédéric Docquier (IRES, UCLouvain), Patrick Guillaumont (FERDI).

Invited speakers: 

Michel Beine (Univ. Luxembourg), Paul Collier (Univ. Oxford), Jesús Fernández-Huertas Moraga (FEDEA and IAE, CSIC), Mäelan Legoff (CEPII), Joël Machado (IRES, UC Louvain), Andrew Mountford (Royal Holloway London), Çağlar Özden (World Bank), Christopher Parsons (Univ. Oxford), Hillel Rapoport (Bar Ilan Univ.), Sara Salomone (UCLouvain), Chrysovalantis VasilaKis (IRES, UC Louvain).


Thursday, January 23, 2014


8:30 - Welcoming remarks
Patrick Guillaumont (FERDI), Frédéric Docquier (IRES and FERDI), Simone Bertoli (CERDI UdA) and Vianney Dequiedt (CERDI UdA)

Plenary session I - Invited contributions (9:00-11:00)
Chair: Patrick Guillaumont (FERDI)

9:00 - On the economic geography of international migration
Chris Parsons (IMI Oxford). Co-author(s): Çağlar Özden
Discussant: Hillel Rapoport (PSE)

9:40 - A practitioners' guide to gravity models of international migration
Simone Bertoli (CERDI UdA). Co-author(s): Michel Beine and Jesús Fernández-Huertas Moraga
Discussant: Tobias Müller (University of Geneva)

10:20 - Global competition for attracting talents and the world economy
Joël Machado (IRES). Co-author(s): Frédéric Docquier
Discussant: Çağlar Özden (World Bank)

Parallel session A1 - Migration in the MENA and Asia (11:30-13:00)
Chair: Alain de Janvry (Berkeley)

11:30 - The impact of labor mobility on unemployment: a comparison between Jordan and Tunisia
Anda David (LEDA-DIAL). Co-author(s): Mohamed Ali Marouani

 12:00 - A VECM Approach for Assessing Hiring Quotas: The case of the Nitaqat Program in Saudi Arabia, Yazeed Awwad (KACST-MIT)

12:30 - Migration as a risky enterprise: A diagnostic for Bangladesh
Elisabeth Sadoulet (Berkeley). Co-author(s): Das Narayan, Mahmood Sakib and Alain de Janvry

Parallel session A2 - Groups at risk (11:30-13:00)
Chair: Maëlan Le Goff (CEPII)

11:30 - Female Migration, Human Capital and Fertility
Vincenzo Caponi (Ryerson)

 12:00 - Why gender inequality matters: Assessing the bidirectional relationship between female migration and discriminatory social institutions
Gaëlle Ferrant (OECD). Co-author(s): Michele Tuccio 

12:30 - The Problem of Illegal Immigration: Cooperation between Source and Host CountriesMaurice Schiff (IZA)


Plenary session II -  Invited contributions (14:30-16:00)
Chair: Vianney Dequiedt (CERDI UdA)

14:30 - Migration and African population growth - Implication for global inequality
Andrew Mountford (Royal Holloway). Co-author(s): Hillel Rapoport (University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne and Bar-Ilan University)
Discussant: Jesús Fernández-Huertas Moraga (FEDEA and IAE)

15:15 - Remittances: a lifeline for developing countries?
Sara Salomone (IRES UCLouvain). Co-author(s): Mäelan Le Goff (CEPII)
Discussant: Michel Beine (Luxembourg)

Parallel session B1 - Welfare impact (16:30-18:00)
Chair: Çağlar Özden (World Bank)

16:30 - The Welfare Impact of Migration in the OECD Countries
Michal Burzynski (IRES UCLouvain). Co-author(s): Amandine Aubry 

17:00 - Immigration, Search Frictions and Redistribution: A Quantitative Welfare Analysis
Michele Battisti (CESifo). Co-author(s): Gabriel Felbermayr, Giovanni Peri and Panu Poutvaara

 17:30 - When parental background matters: the intergenerational mobility and assimilation of Italian immigrants in Germany
Guido Neidhofer (Freie Universitat Berlin). Co-author(s): Timm Bönke

Parallel session B2 - Brain drain (16:30-18:00)
Chair: Michel Beine (Luxembourg)

16:30 - Revisiting the brain drain literature with insights from a general equilibrium world model
Elisabetta Lodigiani (Venice). Co-author(s): Luca Marchiori and I-Ling Shen

 17:00 - The link between migrations and FDI: what do we learn from an agent-based model?
Lea Marchal (EQUIPPE)

17:30 - Competition for the International Pool of Talent
Tim Krieger (University of Freiburg). Co-author(s): Alexander Haupt and Thomas Lange 

19:30 Dinner speech
Chair: Jim de Melo (Geneva and FERDI)

Paul Collier (Oxford) – Migration, Diasporas and Culture: an Empirical investigation 

Friday, January 24, 2014
Parallel session C1 - Labor market impact (9:00-10:30)
Chair: Joël Machado (IRES UCLouvain)

9:00 - The Efffect of EU enlargements and labor market openings on migration
Mariola Pytlikova (KORA and CReAM)

 9:30 - Do Visas Matter? Labor Market Outcomes of Immigrants in France by Visa Classes at Entry
Mehtap Akgüç (IZA and TSE)

10:00 - Do immigrants take or create residents' jobs? Quasi-experimental evidence from Switzerland
Michael Siegenthaler (ETH Zurich). Co-author(s): Christoph Basten

Parallel session C2 - Return migration (9:00-10:30)
Chair: Maurice Schiff (IZA)

9:00 - Does working abroad change our world views? Lessons from Moldovan return migrants
Ruxanda Berlinschi (HUBrussel). Co-author(s): Segiu Porcescu

9:30 – Globalized Market for Talents and Inequality: What Can Be Learnt from European Football?
Chrysovalantis Vasilakis (University of Warwick)

 10:00 - The Return of the Prodigy Son: Do Return migrants make Better Leaders?
Marion Mercier  (PSE)

Parallel session D1 - Selection (11:00-12:30)
Chair: Hillel Rapoport (PSE)

11:00 - Governance Quality and the Balance of Brains
Mara Squicciarini (KU Leuven). Co-author(s): Andrea Ariu and Frédéric Docquier

11:30 - Let's be selective about migrant self-selection
Benjamin Elsner (IZA). Co-author(s): Costanza Biavaschi

12:00 - Understanding migrant selection: the case of Poland
Anna Rosso (UCL)

Parallel session D2 - Policy (11:00-12:30)
Chair: Jean-Louis Combes (Cerdi UdA)

11:00 - Selective migration policies and wages inequality
Anthony Edo (PSE). Co-author(s): Farid Toubal

11:30 - Mobility of workers and the political economy of immigration
Joachim Jarreau (Aix-Marseille). Co-author(s): Giovanni Facchini

12:00 - Immigration, occupational choice and public employment
Luca Marchiori (Central Bank of Lux). Co-author(s): Patrice Pieretti and Benteng Zou