Barrières à l’accès et renoncement aux soins des étudiants de l’université de Lomé au Togo : portrait et analyse des facteurs explicatifs à partir d’une enquête ad hoc

This article analyzes the barriers to access to health care for students at the University of Lomé in Togo, based on a self-administered online ad hoc survey. Of the students who forego health care (72 %), the majority do not have health insurance (91 %) and are men (68 %). Two factors that make the female students less likely to forego health care are their fathers' level of education and having health insurance. While our results argue in favor of extending health insurance to students, they also point to the need for better knowledge of students’ needs and preferences in order to promote their access to health care services.

Alowou A. P., Ataké E-H., Pélissier A. (2024) "Barrières à l’accès et renoncement aux soins des étudiants de l’université de Lomé au Togo : portrait et analyse des facteurs explicatifs à partir d’une enquête ad hoc", Mondes en développement 2024/2 N° 206.