Lecturer in Economics, University of Bourgogne, Research Fellow at FERDI
Enseignant-chercheur, Université de Bourgogne


Aurore Pélissier is a lecturer in economics at the University of Burgundy, member of the Economics Laboratory of Dijon (LEDi), Health Economics Team. Aurore is also a research fellow at the Foundation for Studies and Research on International Development (FERDI).

Aurore Pélissier completed her thesis at the Center for International Development Studies (CERDI, Clermont-Auvergne University) on the challenges of universal health coverage in developing countries with two applications (one in China, the other in Cambodia), under the direction of Pr Jacky Mathonnat and Martine Audibert (DR CNRS). Her research falls within the field of economic analysis of health policies.

She is currently particularly involved in projects relating to rare diseases and disabilities, in particular through studies relating to children and relatives of carers (access to appropriate care, access to social benefits, impact on health and employement). She remains involved in research on genomic medicine (dissemination and access) and on health and its financing in the context of developing countries (through collaborations with FERDI).

Aurore Pélissier conceives research as teamwork with academic researchers in economics but more broadly also other disciplines in Human and Social Sciences (SHS) (such as sociology) or in the field of health sciences, actors in the field such as health care professionals, genetic centres and associations. She has been working on projects since 2009, as close as possible to the field, whether abroad or in France. She was able to conduct her research thanks to funding from various organizations such as the French Development Agency, Ministry of Health, the Rare Diseases Foundation, the Institute for Public Health Research, the former Burgundy region, the University of Burgundy…

Aurore Pélissier is also a member of:

  •  The Commission for Economic Evaluation and Public Health (CEESP) within the High Authority for Health (HAS, more information here),
  • The FHU Translad, particularly involved in axis 4 “A more efficient organization of care and ethical care with genomic medicine: the contribution of human and social sciences”.
  • The association Pluralisme et Qualité (
  • The association Femmes & Sciences (

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