The DATAFID project

The DATAFID project aims to improve knowledge of the digital economy and its impacts and to strengthen the capacities of tax and customs administrations through better use of data science.


The DATAFID project (Regional project to support the strengthening of digital economy statistics and the use of data science by tax and customs administrations) is part of the French government strategy to improve the mobilisation of domestic public resources (MRIP) in developing countries (2020-2023). As part of the French Strategic Investment Plan for Development (PISD), the French Treasury (DGTrésor) is financing the project, and Expertise France is implementing it. 

The project involves several partners including FERDI through the Institut des Hautes Etudes du Développement Durable. The aim of the project is to create a complete and adapted range of training courses to support the IT strategy of senior managers, to develop the capacities of specialists in data analysis, and to raise awareness among middle managers on the use of data for a better mobilization of domestic revenues and border management.

This project focuses on the IT development of customs administrations. It has an intra- and inter-ministerial component and the content of the training courses includes the cross-cutting issues of tax revenue and border management. The training will be open to tax and custom administrations. The originality of this project is the creation of a regional training offer by taking advantage of new digital and distance learning practices.

A first working session will be organised with the beneficiary countries of the project during the week beginning Monday 11 October 2021 in Clermont Ferrand, followed by the launch of the DATAFID project by Expertise France in Paris on Friday 15 October 2021.

IHEDD-FERDI is a partner in Expertise France's DATAFID programme

Commissioned by Expertise France in March 2021 to support capacity-building in data science within tax administrations, IHEDD-FERDI has developed a tailored training programme for customs officers. The programme includes 12 distance learning courses totaling 150 hours of training, designed in consultation with the beneficiary countries. In April 2024, FERDI participated in the project's closing event.


  • Expertise France
  • Ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique
  • World Customs Organization
  • Niger
  • Togo
  • Côte d'Ivoire
  • Mauritania


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