Sahel Chair: Methodological seminar for the establishment of an infocentre on the external financing flows of Sahelian countries

June 14, 2022 > June 15, 2022, Ouagadougou

The Sahel Chair organised a methodological seminar so that the Sahelian administrations could define in detail and in a concerted manner the elements to be considered by this infocentre and its implementation.

As part of the implementation of Axis 1 of its action programme, FERDI's Sahel Chair published a two-volume report on the analysis of aid to the G5 Sahel countries and Côte d'Ivoire in 2019. It was presented to the authorities of the G5 Sahel countries and Côte d'Ivoire during a two-day workshop in Ouagadougou in March 2019. 

An important recommendation of this workshop is the establishment of an infocentre to monitor financial flows in the Sahel, recorded according to a methodology common to the various states. This recommendation is based on the observation that the management of aid in each G5 Sahel country is characterised by the existence of several structures with partial information on aid. Thus, there is no single base from which to obtain the maximum amount of reliable and coherent information on aid. It therefore appeared necessary to set up a computerised system for monitoring financial flows through an integrated platform for data collection, processing, analysis and dissemination for governments, TFPs and other users. The infocentre therefore aims to bring together existing but dispersed data, thus addressing the problem of exhaustiveness and availability. It will enable the administrations in charge of financial flows for development to have a clearer vision of the flows from which their country benefits.