ITA / ITC 2019 Conference on Taxation and Development: Towards a Roadmap for the Addis Tax Initiative after 2020

July 01, 2019 > July 04, 2019, Berlin

FERDI awarded for the quality of the documents distributed.

From 1 to 4 July 2019 the International Tax Compact (ITC) and the Addis Tax Initiative (ATI) held their annual conference on taxation and development. 

FERDI, represented by Emilie Cadeira (CERDI-Université Clermont Auvergne, FERDI), participated at the conference, at the round table "Designing and managing tax incentive regimes: A balancing act between maximising the impact and minimising the drawbacks" and at the market place where she presented the FERDi's works on on taxation. 

Roundtable discussion "Designing and managing tax incentive systems: A balance between impact and tax expenditure"

FERDI was one of the four experts at the round table on the theme "Designing and managing tax incentive regimes: A balancing act between maximising the impact and minimising the drawbacks ".

FERDI introduced the round table by presenting the results of its experiences and reflections on the issue of tax expenditure evaluation.

Market place forum

The Market Place was an opportunity to present Ferdi and its work in the field of taxation, particularly on the issue of the taxation of aid.

The exchanges led to very rich debates with a good number of donors (USAID, ICTD,CIAT, OECD, CEP etc.) and representatives of the countries participating in the conference.

FERDI received the prize for the best Market Place, for the attractiveness of its stand and the quality of the documents distributed there.