By Matthieu BOUSSICHAS, Vincent NOSSEK in CDP-United Nations (eds), Comprehensive Study on the Impact of COVID-19 on the Least Developed Country Category.
By Matthieu BOUSSICHASchap. 6 in Enjeux et défis du développement international , Beaudet P., Caouette D., Haslam P., Benhmade A. (eds), Les presses de l'Université d'Ottawa, pp.53-62.
By Matthieu BOUSSICHAS, Axel GASTAMBIDEPresentation to the European Commission of the study on innovative development financing mechanisms, Brussels, June 20, 2019
By Christophe ANGELY, Matthieu BOUSSICHASSeminar for a feedback to AFD on the workshop held by the Chair Sahel on financial flows for development in the Sahel, Paris.