The Sahel Alliance Seminar

June 06, 2019 > June 07, 2019, Bruxelles

For the Chair Sahel, Catherine Araujo (CERDI) and Matthieu Boussichas (FERDI) participated as observers in the working group on agriculture.

The seminar aimed to bring together the 6 thematic groups as well as the transversal group on Gender of the Sahel Alliance.

For the Chair Sahel, Catherine Araujo (CERDI) and Matthieu Boussichas (FERDI) participated as observers in the working group on agriculture. The main objectives of the discussions were to conduct a review of the Alliance's projects, to identify possible synergies to facilitate co-financing, to formulate strong political messages to encourage sectoral reforms that could be supported by the Alliance members and to approve mechanisms to ensure the Alliance's accountability.