Revue d'économie du développement 2014/2 (Vol. 22) Finance and Development

The Revue d'Economie du Développement is an international journal originally published in French. Since its launch in 1993, it has been one of the key francophone journals in economics and the only one specialized in development economics. The Revue d'Economie du Développement is focused on relevant development issues. It includes contributions and perspectives coming from both North and South.

The revue is published by Editions de Boeck Supérieur. It benefits from the support of CNRS, FERDI and AFD.

Patrick Guillaumont, President of FERDI, Professor Emeritus University of Auvergne, CERDI
Grégoire Rota-Graziosi, Professor, CERDI-CNRS, University of Clermont Auvergne, CERDI

Editorial Secretary:

Mariannick Cornec, CERDI-CNRS, University of Clermont Auvergne

ISBN:  9782804189051 


Pages 5 to 8


Jacques Moineville, Jürgen Zattler, Tanja Rödiger-Vorwerk


Pages 9 to 20

The Regulation of the Banking Sector in Developing and Emerging Countries

Michel Camdessus


Pages 21 to 26

Comments on “The Regulation of the Banking Sector in Developing and Emerging Countries”

Dongsoo Kang


Pages 27 to 31

Comments on “The Regulation of the Banking Sector in Developing and Emerging Countries”

Luc Laeven


Pages 33 to 66

Financial Development and Economic Growth: Known Knowns, Known Unknowns, and Unknown Unknowns

Ugo Panizza


Pages 67 to 73

Finance and Growth: Too Much of a Good Thing? Comments on “Financial Development and Economic Growth: Known Knowns, Known Unknowns, and Unknown Unknowns”

Thorsten Beck


Pages 75 to 80

Comments on “Financial Development and Economic Growth: Known Knowns, Known Unknowns, and Unknown Unknowns”

Jean-Louis Arcand


Pages 81 to 112

The Case for Prudent Financial Liberalisation and its Policy Implications

Stephany Griffith-Jones


Pages 113 to 141

Capital Flight and Tax Havens: Impact on Investment and Growth in Africa

Léonce Ndikumana


Pages 143 to 149

Illicit Financial Flows and Development Comments on “Capital Flight and Tax Havens: Impact on Investment and Growth in Africa”

Ben Dickinson


Pages 151 to 156

Tax Havens and Capital Flight from Developing Countries : The Social and Political Implications Comments on “Capital Flight and Tax Havens: Impact on Investment and Growth in Africa”

Marc Herkenrath


Revue d'économie du développement : Finance and Development, 2014/2 (Vol. 22), 158 pages.