Istanbul Programme of Action for the LDCs (2011-2020) : Monitoring Deliverable, Tracking progress - Analytical Perspectives

This first report is a noble exercise undertaken by the LDC IV Monitor, an independent partnership whose members are all important stakeholders in the progress and development of least developed countries (LDCs). The challenges and complex vulnerabilities faced by LDCs require not only the commitment and leadership of LDC national governments, the governments of their development partners and multilateral institutions; it calls for the broadest possible collaboration and contributions from all stakeholders. It is only with rapid, holistic and inclusive development that LDCs will be able to attain a structural transformation of their economies, and thus strengthen the resilience of economies. Good governance and effective national ownership and leadership are critical to attain such transformation. This must be complemented by comprehensive, enhanced and effective international support and co-operation...Also on the web site of the LDC IV Monitor :

LDC IV Monitor (2014) Istanbul Programme of Action for the LDCs (2011-2020) : Monitoring Deliverable, Tracking progress - Analytical Perspectives, 504 p.