Mobilisation of Domestic Public Resources (MRIP)

Mobilisation of Domestic Public Resources (MRIP)
The French Inter-ministry Exchange and Coordination Platform on the Mobilisation of Domestic Public Resources (MRIP) is an information and coordination support for French stakeholders within the framework of the implementation of the French Strategic Investment Plan for Development (PISD).

The mobilisation of domestic public resources is the capacity of States to raise revenue, mainly through taxation, and to use it to finance their growth. It is the biggest source of development finance in Africa, and is much larger than official development assistance.

The French Strategic Investment Plan for Development (PISD)

France has made the mobilisation of domestic resources one of the priorities of its development and international cooperation policy.

In 2020, the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs drew up a Strategic Investment Plan for Development (PISD) aimed at financing bilateral and multilateral initiatives to increase the mobilisation of domestic resources in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The interministerial network on the mobilisation of domestic public resources (MRIP) contributes to this plan by:

  • Coordinating the actions of the various public aid stakeholders.
  • Developing links between administrations and research to consolidate France's expertise on the international scene.
  • Monitoring the indicators of the Strategic Investment Plan for Development and draw conclusions about the effectiveness of French interventions 
  • Involving beneficiary countries and civil society in discussions on support for the mobilisation of domestic public resources.

FERDI's Contribution: Facilitating the MRIP coordination

FERDI engages in discussions and disseminates knowledge on topics such as  tax compliance , environmental taxation, gender and taxation, and excise taxes related to public health.  

It organises and promotes webinars and calls for papers, and ccoperates in disseminating publications. It provides the secretariat for the platform's steering committees.

Latest Achievements

↪ The project by Jean-Francois Brun, François Maworobi OUATTARA, Jule Kaïni TINTA (Université Clermont Auvergne, CERDI), and Samuel Pouwemdéou Tchila (Office Togolais des Recettes) was selected in response to the call for papers on tax gaps and financing the SDGs in Sub-Saharan Africa

Logo MRIP –


irst annual progress report of the strategic investment plan for development

 To be accountable to its partners, the platform is publishing its 2022 progress report. It contains the actions carried out during 2021 and draws the first lessons for the remaining implementation period. 



Calls for papers


  • Gouvernement de la République française
  • Expertise France
  • Agence française de développement (AFD)

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