World Bank workshop on the role of agriculture for development.

September 16, 2019, Washington

Alain de Janvry (UC Berkeley, FERDI) intervened to define a development strategy based on agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa.

On 16 September 2019, on the occasion of the launch of its report Harvesting Prosperity: Technology and Productivity Growth in Agriculture, the World Bank organized a workshop where Alain de Janvry was invited.

On this occasion, he highlighted that Agriculture can have a major role to play for development, mainly in the low income Sub-Saharan Africa countries. For Alain de Janvry, increasing total factor productivity (research and development, adoption, modernization) is essential for agricultural development, but the issue must be refined and also focus on how to use these productivity gains to induce an agricultural transformation and a rural transformation. Value chains are in particular important instruments to use productivity growth in support of the transformations