Seminar for a feedback to AFD on the workshop held by the Chair Sahel on financial flows for development in the Sahel.

April 11, 2019, Paris

Christophe Angely and Matthieu Boussichas (FERDI) presented the content of the high level workshop held by the Chair Sahel in Ouagadougou to the AFD team working on Sahel.

The objective of the seminar was to present the content of the high level workshop held by the Chair Sahel in Ouagadougou in March 2019 to the AFD team working on Sahel.

Representatives for the Chair Sahel: Christophe Angely, Director of Strategy and Matthieu Boussichas, Program Manager at FERDI.

See the event : Atelier de haut niveau sur l'analyse des flux financiers pour le développement des Pays membres du G5 Sahel, 25-26 mars 2019, Ouagadougou

Event Analyse des flux financiers pour le développement des Pays membres du G5 Sahel.Event First workshop organized by the Chair Sahel