First workshop organized by the Chair Sahel

September 11, 2018, Ouagadougou

A harmonized collection of financial flows for the Sahel.

On Tuesday, September 11, in accordance with its work schedule, the Sahel Chair held its first workshop in Ouagadougou where actors in charge of collecting data for analysis of development financial flows met.

Tertius Zongo, former Prime Minister and the Sahel Chair Director, organized this workshop which was moderated by Segbo Léné, former Minister and Sahel Chair consultant.

The workshop was the first step for a high-level workshop to be held in December. The aim is to provide Sahelian countries with a relevant and harmonized method of collecting that could improve dialogue with development partners and avoid excessive delays in the conduct of operations.

Representatives of the ministries responsible for collecting financial flows in the Sahelian countries attended the meeting and agreed to contribute in the coming weeks to the work of preparing this high-level workshop. The Director General of Planning, Development and Aid Coordination of the Ministry of Development of Côte d'Ivoire joined the workshop to share his experience.

This workshop was also an opportunity to bring together and to involve the focal points in each of the G5 countries who agreed to contribute to the decentralized implementation of Chair's production. Attendees were El Hassen Zein, coordinator of the Mauritanian policy analysis centre for Mauritania - Dr Kobyagda Larba Issa, coordinator of the office of analysis and strategic studies at the Ministry of Economy and researcher at the University of Ouagadougou II for Burkina Faso - Paul Derreumaux for Mali, Professor Hamadou Daouda Youssoufou, Vice-Rector of the University of Tahoua and Director of the Laboratory for Research and Analysis on Economic and Social Development for Niger - Jareth Beain, President of CROSET and Coordinator of the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit for Projects and Programmes at the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development for Chad.

This meeting, attended by Patrick Guillaumont, President of Ferdi, marked the launch of the Sahel Chair's operational activities in Africa.