Sahel Alliance: Achievements, Challenges and Prospects

January 19, 2021, Digital

A web conference with the intervention of Tertius Zongo, Director of the Sahel Chair at FERDI.

The first results report on the action of the Sahel Alliance, at the end of its 3 years of existence, was officially published on Tuesday 19 January during a digital conference. 

The conference panel brought together:

  • Cristina Diaz Fernandez Gil, Director of Cooperation with Africa and Asia (AECID), Spain
  • Adrien Haye, Head of the Sahel Alliance Coordination Unit
  • Ousmane Mamoudou Kane, Minister of Economic Affairs and Promotion of Productive Sectors, Mauritania, Chairman of the G5 Sahel Council of Ministers
  • Arancha Gonzales Laya, Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, Spain, President of the Alliance’s General Assembly
  • Angel Losada, European Union Special Representative for the Sahel
  • Timbila Thomas Sawadogo, Permanent Secretary of the Confederation of the Livestock Sector, Burkina Faso
  • Maman Sidikou, Executive Secretary of G5 Sahel
  • Tertius Zongo, Director of the Sahel Chair at FERDI.