Jaqueline Taquiri and Marina Ruete of IGF mining presented the event titled "Financial Benefit Optimization: Best practices, experiences, and peer learning opportunity " which attracted over 100 executives from mining and tax administrations across the globe.
The event featured Jorge Burgos, a professor at the University of Santiago de Chile and a member of the Chilean tax administration, who shared insights on Chile's proposed mining royalty reforms for copper and lithium.
Yannick Bouterige, a Research Assistant at FERDI, then presented the findings of a comparative study on copper taxation in Africa and Latin America, given that countries like Chile, Peru, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, and Mexico are among the leading copper producers globally. The study, co-authored by Yawovi Mawusse Isaac Amedanou, a PhD holder in economics from UCA, Cerdi, and Bertrand Laporte, a lecturer, HDR, UCA, CNRS, IRD, Cerdi, analyzed mining tax systems and rent distribution regulations of the main copper-producing countries on both continents.