Ferdi works on the development issues for the G20 where figure in priority the issues on Volatility of agricultural products prices and food safety.
To prepare the meeting of the G20, Ferdi organised the 16 February 2011 a seminar on these issues. Pierre Jacquet, Senior Economist at the Agence française de développement (AFD) was invited. Patrick Guillaumont
Sylvianne Guillaumont Jeanneney
►cadre de la discussion
Alain de Janvry
Elisabeth Sadoulet
►Achieving food security: Focusing on the process to coordinate instruments (Ferdi, note brève B16)
Alexandros Sarris
►Proposals and ideas to deal with global agricultural staple food market volatility and ensure food supplies to developing countries
Vianney Dequiedt
Catherine Araujo Bonjean
►Volatilité des prix agricoles : améliorer l’information pour coordonner les anticipations