Revue d'économie du développement 2013/2-3 (Vol. 21) Twenty Years after Development Economics (Volume I)

The Revue d'Economie du Développement is an international journal originally published in French. Since its launch in 1993, it has been one of the key francophone journals in economics and the only one specialized in development economics. The Revue d'Economie du Développement is focused on relevant development issues. It includes contributions and perspectives coming from both North and South.

The revue is published by Editions de Boeck Supérieur. It benefits from the support of CNRS, FERDI and AFD.

Patrick Guillaumont, President of FERDI, Professor Emeritus University of Auvergne, CERDI
Grégoire Rota-Graziosi, Professor, CERDI-CNRS, University of Clermont Auvergne, CERDI

Editorial Secretary:

Mariannick Cornec, CERDI-CNRS, University of Clermont Auvergne

ISBN: 9782804183424 


Pages 5 to 8

Foreword For the special issues marking the 20th anniversary of the Revue d’économie du développement on the theme “Development economics 20 years on”

Patrick Guillaumont


Pages 9 to 21

Sixty Years of Development Economics: What Have we Learned for Economic Development?

Alain de Janvry, Élisabeth Sadoulet


Pages 23 to 36

Long-Term Series of Data and Development Economics

Christian Morrisson


Pages 37 to 54

Risk, Shocks and Development

Jan Willem Gunning


Pages 55 to 78

Industrial Policy Revisited : A New Structural Economics Perspective

Justin Yifu Lin


Pages 79 to 100

Credit Constraints, Collateral, and Lending to the Poor

Marcel Fafchamps


Pages 101 to 118

Some Recent Developments on the Measurement of the Productive Performance: Application to the Moroccan Garment Sector

Mohamed Chaffai, Patrick Plane


Pages 119 to 147

Health and Development : A Circular Causality

Jean-Claude Berthélemy, Josselin Thuilliez


Pages 149 to 169

“Quality and Quantity” of Lives : What Tradeoff Should There Be Between Economic and Population Growth ?

John Cockburn, Jean-Yves Duclos, Agnès Zabsonré



Revue d'Economie du développement (volume 1), Vol. 21, 2013/2-3, 184 pages.