The State of climate-related negotiations: modest steps in the right direction

As climate monitoring organizations report that 2015 is set to break global surface temperature records over land and sea, this December ministers will convene in two separate meetings that will be crucial for managing climate risks: one in Paris: COP21 under the auspices of the UNFCCC to finalize an agreement for the period after 2020, in part as a successor to the Kyoto protocol, the other in Nairobi: tenth ministerial of the WTO where an agreement to liberalize trade on Environmental Goods should be agreed upon. This column reports on progress to date, arguing that small significant, but yet insufficient steps, in the right direction, are taking place.

Flannery, P.B., and J. de Melo, "The State of climate-related negotiations: modest steps in the right direction", Ferdi Policy Brief B115A shorter version appeared on Vox-eu :