Caught in a Trap, Identifying the Least Developed Countries

What is the logical basis for the designation "least developed country" (LDC) category? What special treatment do LDCs qualify for and what is its effectiveness? These two broad questions delineate a major research area supported by the Ferdi in tandem with the UNDP. This research comprises two parts, each corresponding to one of the questions.This research is headed by Patrick Guillaumont, who as a member of the UN Committee for Development Policy was for ten years chairman of the committee’s expert group responsible for examining and applying LDC identification criteria.


“Professor Guillaumont pioneered work on the vulnerability of the poorest countries. In this important book he sets out an agenda for international action”
Paul Collier, Pr. Oxford University, author of The Bottom Billion

“Patrick Guillaumont covers a most relevant issue for the lives of nearly 50 nations of the planet. He conducts an excellent, comprehensive analysis of the identification criteria for “least developed countries”, which deserve special treatment by the international community. He examines the historical evolution and proposes improvements to the criteria used today. He has written an essential text for understanding the economics of so many nations that must be enabled to participate in globalization with shared development.”
Ricardo Ffrench-Davis, Chairperson of the Committee for Development Policy, Chilean National Prize in Social Sciences and the Humanities

“From his long association with the Committee for Development Policy, the Author arguably tells the inside story of the complex making and fine-tuning of the concept and criteria of the LDCs. Anybody who wants to understand the [vicious circle of income and non-income] poverty trap of this special category of low income countries should read this refreshing and very informative book”… the Author arguably tells the inside story of the complex making and fine-tuning of the concept and criteria of the LDCs. Anybody who wants to understand the poverty trap of this special category of low income countries should read this refreshing and very informative book”.
Dr Kerfalla Yansane, Former Member, UN Committee for Development Policy, Former Governor, Central Bank of Guinea

“Who are the Least Developed Countries and how do they differ from other developing countries? Patrick Guillaumont's book provides an excellent detailed account of a too often forgotten subject in international development"
Justin Yifu Lin, Chief Economist, Senior Vice-President, World Bank

“A fundamental and penetrating book, compulsory reading for understanding the economic roots of vulnerability, dependence and international poverty, while clarifying the mysteries of UN categories and the institutional framework of the action of the international community”
Jean-Michel Severino, Director-General, French Development Agency.

“This book offers in-depth analytical support to our efforts to reassert the legitimacy of the Least Developed Countries category and to enhance the ongoing international special treatment of countries in this category. Its insights ... should be an important source of inspiration to the development partners of LDCs and to the LDCs themselves.”
Supachai Panitchpadki, Secretary-General of UNCTAD 


Guillaumont, P. 2009. Caught in a Trap, Identifying the Least Developed Countries Economica, October 2009

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