Presentation of the book of Patrick Guillaumont devoted to the LDCs category at UNCTAD and WTO

February 18, 2010, Genève

Launch Event at the Palais des Nations

As part of an expert meeting held on February 18, 2010 at UNCTAD (Palais des Nations, Geneva), Patrick Guillaumont presented his latest book on the LDCs category Caught in a trap - Identifying the Least Developed Countries published in late 2009 by Editions Economica. Launch Event Announcement 

What are the logical foundations of the least developed country (LDC) category?
What is the logical basis for the designation ‘least developed country’ (LDC)?
What special treatment do LDCs qualify for and what is its effectiveness?

These are the two major categories of questions a research, supported by the FERDI jointly with the PNUD, attempts to answer.
This research comprises two parts, each corresponding to one of the two previous types of questions.

This research is conducted under the direction of Patrick Guillaumont who, as a member of the United Nations Committee for Development Policy, had the responsibility of presiding, during about ten years, the Committee’s expert group responsible for considering and applying the LDCs identification criteria.

The book is distributed by Brookings in English speaking countries. The publication by Economica of the French version of this book, Pris au piège. L’identification des pays les moins avancés, is planned for the first half of 2010. Also planned for 2010, the publication by Economica of Volume 2, Out of the Trap, Supporting the Least Developed Countries, Guillaumont P. (Edr).

►présentation of the book by Patrick Guillaumont lduring the Launch Event (version ) (slides)