Workshop on the United Nations Secretariat’s contribution to international development

January 28, 2020, Paris

Christophe Angely, Director of External Relations and Financing at Ferdi, participated in this workshop organised by the UN Secretariat to present the report by Wasim Mir (UN Foundation) and Sebastian Borchmeyer (Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung New York).

In recent years, not least due to the reforms of the UN Secretary General António Guterres, the role of the United Nations Secretariat as a coordinator and actor in international development cooperation has grown in importance. Wasim Mir (Senior Fellow, UN Foundation) and Sebastian Borchmeyer (Senior Program Officer, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung New York) introduced the main findings of their research report "Reassessing the UN Secretariat's contribution to economic development".

In this report, they examine  to what extent the United Nations Regular Budget should count as Official Development Aid (ODA) as defined by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). For the UN Secretariat, the coefficient determining the ODA eligible share of an organization’s budget has been 18% since 2013 – this is considerably lower than the coefficient of other international (development) organizations. This underrating of the UN Secretariat's ODA Coefficient no longer does justice to its role in implementing the Agenda 2030. A reassessment seems therefore overdue.