Workshop on extractive Industries: Taxation and Revenues

November 05, 2020,

On 5 November, 2020 UNU-WIDER and the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining and Metals organised a workshop on extractives and domestic revenue mobilisation. Yannick Bouterige (FERDI) presented the results of a joint Cerdi-NRGI-IISD-Ferdi study of the tax gap on 20 gold mines in Africa.

The event brought together a diverse range of researchers from the Global North and South working on the taxation of extractive industries to share information about their ongoing research. The participants got to share their research plans and ideas on data, methods, and how to achieve policy impact in the context of an evolving global extractives industry. 

Yannick Bouterige (FERDI) presented the results of the estimation of  tax gap for 20 gold mines in Africa. The data for this joint study comes from the database

Partners of the study :

  • Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI)
  • Centre pour les études et recherches sur le développement international (CERDI)
  • International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
  • Fondation pour les études et recherches sur le développement international (Ferdi)