Working session for the creation of a Gabonese Competitiveness Observatory

June 25, 2018 > June 27, 2018, Clermont-Ferrand

Patrick Plane (CNRS-Cerdi University Clermont Auvergne, Ferdi) and Camille da Piedad (Ferdi) presented the Observatory of sustainable competitiveness.

Anita Nollet Agnuriwengue Wolbert, Director of Competitiveness at Gabon's Ministry of Industry and National Entrepreneurship, came to Clermont-Ferrand from 25 to 27 June 2018 to discuss the creation of a Gabonese competitiveness observatory.

Patrick Plane (CNRS-Cerdi University Clermont Auvergne, Ferdi) and Camille da Piedad (Ferdi) presented the Observatory of sustainable competitiveness.