Seminar on aid funding channels : bilateral, multilateral and earmarked funds

March 24, 2016, Paris

Organised by the Agence française de développement (AFD) : The research papers by Jacky Mathonnat, Martine Audibert and Laurent Wagner have been presented.


9h15 : Introduction


Session 1 (9h20-10h20) : Rappel sur les canaux d’acheminement de l’aide et les déterminants de la délégation aux organisations multilatérales

  1. What is the difference between bilateral and multilateral aid channels? Claims, evidence and choices for donors”, by Nilima GULRAJANI, Research Fellow,Centre for Aid and Public Expenditure, Overseas Development Institute

Link to the power point

  1. “Why do donors delegate to multilateral organizations? A synthesis of six country case studies”, by Romilly GREENHILL, Overseas Development Institute

Link to the power point

Session 2 (10h20-11h00) : « The use of multi-bi aid by France in comparison with other donor countries”, by Vera EICHENAUER et Bernhard REINSBERG from Zurich and Heidelberg University

Link to the power point

Session 3 (11h10 – 11h50) : “How does multi-bi aid change the geographical allocation of multilateral assistance ?” by Laurent WAGNER (Papier de recherche AFD n°28). Presentation by Laurent WAGNER and Patrick GUILLAUMONT, FERDI

Link to the power point

Session 4 (12h50 – 12h20) : “ Fonds fiduciaires et programmes verticaux : quelle contribution aux politiques sectorielles ? exemple de la Santé » by Jacky MATHONNAT and Martine AUDIBERT, CERDI - Université d'Auvergne (Papier de recherche AFD n°20). Presentation by Matthieu BOUSSICHAS, FERDI

Link to the power point

12h20-12h45 : Closing session (tour de table): What are the implications at political, strategic and operational level and what are the needs for further research ?




9h15 : Introduction

Session 1 (9h20-10h20) : Rappel sur les canaux d’acheminement de l’aide et les déterminants de la délégation aux organisations multilatérales

  1. What is the difference between bilateral and multilateral aid channels? Claims, evidence and choices for donors”, by Nilima GULRAJANI, Research Fellow,Centre for Aid and Public Expenditure, Overseas Development Institute
  2. “Why do donors delegate to multilateral organizations? A synthesis of six country case studies”, by Romilly GREENHILL, Overseas Development Institute

Session 2 (10h20-11h00) : « The use of multi-bi aid by France in comparison with other donor countries”, by Vera EICHENAUER et Bernhard REINSBERG from Zurich and Heidelberg University

Session 3 (11h10 – 11h50) : “How does multi-bi aid change the geographical allocation of multilateral assistance ?” by Laurent WAGNER (Papier de recherche AFD n°28). Presentation by Laurent WAGNER and Patrick GUILLAUMONT, FERDI

Session 4 (12h50 – 12h20) : “ Fonds fiduciaires et programmes verticaux : quelle contribution aux politiques sectorielles ? exemple de la Santé » by Jacky MATHONNAT and Martine AUDIBERT, CERDI - Université d'Auvergne (Papier de recherche AFD n°20). Presentation by Matthieu BOUSSICHAS, FERDI

12h20-12h45 : Closing session (tour de table): What are the implications at political, strategic and operational level and what are the needs for further research ?