As part of its "Peace, Security and Development" program, FERDI met from 27th to 29th April 2017 in Washington with a wide range of key protagonists on the Sahelian issue.
Ferdi had gathered a team established of Nouhou Abdoul Moumouni, Demographer, Director Program of the OASIS initiative, University of Niamey, Christophe Angely, Director of Strategy at FERDI, Serge Michailof, Senior Fellow at FERDI, Associate Researcher at IRIS and Malcolm Potts, founder of the OASIS initiative, and Professor of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley.
Several targeted visits and conferences were planned on the theme "Population, security and development in the Sahel", in particular the following three meetings : Seminar at the World Bank (April 27, 2017)
The FERDI’s representatives met and discussed with the members of the groups : “Fragility, Conflict and Violence “ and “Health, Nutrition & Population” « Population, Security, and Development in the Sahel » conference, Wilson center (April 27th, 2017)
The conference was organised by the Wilson Center, a center accredited by the Congress in memory of President Woodrow Wilson. The Think Tank objectives are to address general policy issues through independent research and open dialogue around concrete ideas. The objectives of the conference were to explore the link between security and development, and how strategic international aid can help shape the future of the Sahel.
The conference was moderated by Roger-Mark De Souza, Director of Population, Environmental Security, and Resilience. The speakers were Nouhou Abdoul Moumouni, Christophe Angely, and Serge Michailof. Meeting with the State Department (April 29 th, 2017)
A large audience was present for this meeting in the presence of Lieutenant-Colonel Joshua J Hamilton, Military Advisor of the Bureau of African affairs of the State department, Oladele Ogunseitan, Foreign Affairs Officer, Jefferson Science Fellow, Office of International Health and Biodefense, Debbie Fugate, Deputy Director, Office of the Geographer and Global Issues Representative in Lome (Togo), Steven C. Kameny, Mali desk officer and Kalomogo Coulibaly, Desk officer for Guinea & Regional economic officer former student of CERDI.