Multi-stakeholder Approaches for Enhancing Multilateral Organisations’ Contribution to Development Results

April 15, 2014 > April 16, 2014, Mexico

Patrick Guillaumont have moderated the focus session 9 of the first High-Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation

The first High-Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation marks a major milestone in the global fight against poverty.

Over 1300 development leaders have joined Enrique Peña Nieto, President of Mexico, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría in Mexico City to:

  • review global progress in making development co-operation more effective;
  • agree on actions to boost progress; and,
  • anchor effective development co-operation in the post-2015 global development agenda.

The two-day forum included five plenary sessions and 28 focus sessions on a range of critical themes for development :

Draft Agenda 



Final communiqué



More information on the website :

Session focus 9

Multi-stakeholder Approaches for Enhancing Multilateral Organisations’ Contribution to Development Results 

15, April 2014, 4.15 pm, Room 1 Speakers : 

  • Radosław Sikorski - Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland (Panelist);
  • Kyle Peters - Vice President for Operational and Country Services at World Bank Group(Panelist); 
  • Herisoa Razanadrakoto - Special Advisor to the President of the Republic of Madagascar  (Panelist);
  • John Hendra, Deputy Executive Director UN Women (Panelist);
  • Deputy Director-General Jean-Marc Châtaigner, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development (Panelist);
  • Robert Labrousse - Secretary of State for External Cooperation of Haiti (Panelist);
  • Parliamentary State Secretary Thomas Silberhorn - Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (Key-note speaker);
  • Patrick Guillaumont - President of Fondation pour les Études et Recherches sur le Développement International - Ferdi (Facilitator)Background : 

The Busan outcome document drew attention to the importance of providing an enabling environment for a well-functioning multilateral aid system. Specifically, it committed development partners to improve the coherence of their policies on multilateral institutions, global funds and programmes, and to make effective use of existing multilateral channels, focusing on those that are performing well (§25b). Continuing efforts along these lines is of utmost importance, as in the post 2015 landscape multilateral organisations will be called upon to play a fundamental role in delivering sustainable development goals.

There is a link between funding to multilateral organisations and their performance. Over the last decade, the multilateral aid system has seen a strong increase in earmarked funding, driven by domestic needs for visibility of bilateral ODA-funds and in part as a response to donors’ perceptions about the inefficiencies of multilateral organisations. At the same time, funding of multilateral organisations through large shares of earmarked funding has created additional transaction costs and reduced multilateral organisations’ ability to strategize and focus , impacting their overall performance and contribution to development results. In addition, while earmarked funding can be  a powerful opportunity to engage in effective partnerships and fill co-operation gaps, its piecemeal contributions can also come at the cost of increased transaction costs for partners countries.

To improve the operational and strategic alignment of earmarked funding to their core priorities and promote a more effective use of overall funding, the World Bank Group and the United Nations have launched a series of reforms. These provide an excellent window of opportunity for bilateral providers to support multilateral organisations’ efforts to respond more effectively to the development challenges that our world faces. While so far some bilateral providers made concrete steps to reinforce the coherence and complementarity of their policies and practices on the use of the multilateral system, bilateral donors need to revise their funding practices in a view to provide better quality earmarked funding (more predictable, more flexible, etc).

The OECD/DAC Multilateral Aid Report has been at the forefront of documenting donors’ policies and practices in funding multilateral institutions and in making the case for more effective funding and use of the multilateral system. In a joint effort with Germany’s BMZ, the OECD/DAC has produced a study documenting the policies and practices of both bilateral providers and multilateral organisations in managing earmarked funds. The study points to some emerging good practices and suggests ways to take these good practices forward to ensure financing for the multilateral system that is sustainable and conducive to a greater impact on development.

With these figures, solid evidence and reform experience at hand, bilateral providers, multilateral organisations, partner countries, and other stakeholders can have a meaningful discussion and agree on actionable recommendations for providing and managing better quality earmarked funding that, while encouraging partnerships and keeping fragmentation at a minimum, is conducive to more and better development results. Expected outcomes: 

This session will present an opportunity to deepen the conversations on the Global Partnership principles of results and inclusive partnerships. It will provide an open space for dialogue among partner countries, multilateral organisations, and bilateral providers to discuss how inclusive partnerships can be built and strengthened through multi-partner funding arrangements to multilateral organisations that support the operational effectiveness of individual multilateral organisations and are conducive to better development results on the ground.

Participants shall agree on forward-looking and actionable recommendations for improving the quality of earmarked funding, thereby supporting increased effectiveness of multilateral organisations on the ground. These recommendations shall give fresh impetus to the different stakeholders to work on the implementation of §25b and shall strengthen the GPEDC. Format : 

Organised by: World Bank Group (WBG), France - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Germany - Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).