The global development landscape is changing fast and European policy is changing with it. Spurred by the Arab Spring, respect and support for democracy and development in partner countries is key in current discussions on the future of EU development cooperation. At the same time, global development priorities are increasingly interwoven with global public goods challenges that are cross-border by definition: climate change, migration, financial instability and insecurity are becoming ever more interrelated with socio-economic development. Long-standing aid effectiveness concerns – coherence, coordination and complementarity – are only part of this story. The EU and its members will need to work towards genuine development effectiveness focused more strongly on results, transparency and accountability, with innovative thinking on a European development strategy ‘within and beyond aid’.
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• Patrick Guillaumont, President of Fondation pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Développement International
• Paul Engel, Director, European Centre for Development Policy Management
• Lindsay Northover, Government Spokesperson on International Development, House of Lords, United Kingdom
• Andris Piebalgs, European Commissioner for Development
• Tertius Zongo, Former Prime Minister, Burkina Faso (tbc)
• Alain Henry, Head of the Cabinet of Mr. Henri de Raincourt, Ministre chargé de la Coopération, France
Moderation: Simon Maxwell, Senior Research Associate, Overseas Development Institute