Least Developed Countries from Asia and the Pacific have met in Kathmandu to lay foundations for ‘graduation’

December 16, 2014 > December 18, 2014, Katmandou

Patrick Guillaumont participated to the ministerial meeting organized by the Government of Nepal, UN-OHRLLS and UNDP

The Ministerial Meeting of Asia-Pacific LDCs on graduation and post 2015 was held in Kathmandu, Nepal on 16-18 December 2014. The meeting aimed at contributing to the graduation process in LDCs, exploring how this process can be backed up by strong national strategies, while mainstreaming graduation into development cooperation strategies and linking effectively with the IPoA midterm review and post-2015 development framework.

Invited as a Keynote speaker for the opening of the third session of the meeting about the role of productive capacity building, structural transformation and human assets for graduation, Patrick Guillaumont has presented “the Structural change for graduation: reducing structural vulnerability” 

Read the presentation :

Agenda, Issue Note and concept note on the UN-OHRLLS web site : http://unohrlls.org/kathmandu-ministerial-meeting-december-2014/