Is Côte d'Ivoire competitive ?

October 02, 2017, Abidjan

Symposium organised by FERDI during the event "Rencontres Africa" : Patrick Plane, Director of research at the CNRS, and Cerdi-Ferdi spoke on the Sustainable Competitiveness Observatory.

Is Côte d'Ivoire competitive ? 

 2 oct. de 11h30 à 12h30 

Abidjan -Sofitel Abidjan Hotel Ivoire

The Sustainable Competitiveness Observatory (SCO): an instrument for emerging Africa


Although Africa is increasingly becoming an appealing continent, many countries there still suffer from unfavourable conditions of investment linked to several factors as price of their services, quality of their infrastructure, robustness of their institutions or countries’ vulnerability to unpredictable political, economic, social and climatic events. Beyond intuitions, what do figures reveal about the capacity of integration to the global economy of the continent at large, of the Côte d’Ivoire more specifically?


FERDI has developed with the Sustainable Competitiveness Observatory, an instrument to analyze economic strengths and weaknesses of the 54 African countries. The observatory aims to provide a wide set of indicators in order to better inform the decision making process.  The SCO is an innovative analytical tool based on three pillars: vulnerabilities, attractiveness, and price competitiveness. The aim of the SCO is to provide credible and reliable indicators grouped into two categories. The comprehensive nature of the Observatory makes it different from other databases designed to shed light on specific aspects of competitiveness (Doing business, World Economic forum, etc.).

The Observatory gathers the available information from a wide range of sources, an essential collection of raw data to measure sustainable competitiveness. It compares resources and outcomes, paying particular attention to both macroeconomic and microeconomic aspects, to aggregated and sectorial data. The SCO covers the whole African countries and serves the public and private interests, those of national and international firms looking for information about the economic social and political environment that conditions investment decisions. The SCO also addresses to policy makers who will find in it a useful tool to drive a higher and more diversified economic growth.

Speakers :
Jean-Claude BROU, Ministre de l’Industrie et des Mines de la Côte d’Ivoire
Patrick PLANE, Directeur de recherches au CNRS, CERDI-FERDI, France
Pascal YEMBILINE, Économiste en Chef Côte d’ivoire, Banque Africaine de Développement