IDGM+ webinar: "What is a fiscal policy in line with the 2030 Agenda?"

June 02, 2020, Paris

Second session - Initiative for Development and Global Governance (IDGM+) series of webinars "Financing the 2030 Agenda in a vulnerable world"

The IDGM is organising a series of events on how to finance the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development in a context marked by the strong socio-economic impacts of the crisis linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. This cycle takes place in May and June in the form of a series of webinars : Financing Agenda 2030 in a vulnerable world”

Webinar: What is a fiscal policy in line with the 2030 Agenda?

This second session addressed the fundamental issue of adequate mobilisation of budgetary resources and efficiency of public spending. The pursuit of SDGs indeed implies budgetary and fiscal policies that make it possible to finance the necessary public spending surplus and to guide the behaviour of economic agents in this direction. This question is even more relevant in view of the budgetary consequences of the Covid crisis19.

Moderator : Grégoire Rota-Graziosi, directeur du Cerdi, responsable de programme à la Ferdi


  • Mahmoud Mohieldin, the UN Special Envoy for Financing the 2030 Agenda.
  • Michael Keen, Deputy Director of the Public Finance Department (International Monetary Fund)
  • Felix Fernandez Shaw, Director International Cooperation and Development Policy, DEVCO, European Union
  • Susana Ruiz Rodriguez, Regional Tax Coordinator, Oxfam
  • Philippe Lacoste, Director of Sustainable Development, Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, France

En lien

Event IDGM+ webinar: "How to make the international financing of SDGs adapted to new vulnerabilities?"Event IDGM+ webinar: How to develop and finance projects and development strategies aligned with the 2030 Agenda?


  • Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (CERDI)
  • Fondation pour les Études et recherches sur le développement international (Ferdi)
  • Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)