European Development Days. Brainstorming session. Digitalization and resilience to adverse shocks in a developing context.

June 22, 2022, Bruxelles

FERDI, in partnership with Be Ys, organized a session on digitalization and resilience to adverse shocks in a developing context. #EDD22

Wednesday 22 June, 10.45 - 11.30
Brainstorming Room 1
Brussels Expo (Palais 7 and 11), 
Avenue De Miramar / Miramarlaan
B-1020 Brussels.


Moderator: Holy Ranaivozanany, Head of Outreach, Advocacy and Partnerships at the Africa-Europe Foundation


Antonia Gleizes-Lacombe, Venture Partner Marketing, Impact & Partenariats, Janngo Capital  

Jenny C. Aker, Professor, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University

Renée Chao-Beroff,  Chairman-Founder, Wi-Agri 

Why this session?

This session aimed at discussing how digital technologies have helped households, firms and administrations cope with the consequences of the pandemic, but also with other types of adverse shocks:

  • Discuss and explain how simple and scalable digital initiatives can improve access to markets, health services and welfare,
  • Inform donors, policymakers and the private sector on public sector and market-based solutions in this space,
  • Bring together representatives from the digital ecosystem and academia, exchange key insights-experiences-know-how to leverage digital innovations and build resilience to large-scale shocks to health and economic systems,

The focus was on sub-Saharan Africa, where a quarter of the world's mobile innovations are located and where the barriers to development are the greatest.

Jenny Aker: “Digital can’t solve everything but in a context where we can’t meet, learn, earn or trade face-to-face, digital offers us opportunities”.


  • Be-Ys