Call for contributions - Domestic resource mobilization for fisheries resources

January 15, 2021,

The French Inter-ministry Exchange and Coordination Platform on the Mobilization of Domestic Public Resources (MRIP) is publishing a call for contributions for the mobilisation of domestic resources on fisheries resources. Technical and financial proposals to be submitted before 15 January 2021.

Domestic resource mobilization for fisheries resources is a theme which straddles ecology and taxation and customs policies. This is why the platform wants to avail of expertise from the world of research, in order to highlight the existing scope for action in terms of public policy. 

Call for contributions

Calendrier et contact

These proposals must be e-mailed by 15 January 2021 to

The selected contributor will be contacted in early February 2021 and must begin work at the end of February 2021. 

The French Inter-ministry Exchange and Coordination Platform on the Mobilization of Domestic Public Resources (MRIP)

The French Inter-ministry Exchange and Coordination Platform on the Mobilization of Domestic Public Resources (MRIP) is an information and coordination support for French stakeholders within the framework of the implementation of the French Strategic Investment Plan for Development (PISD).