Uncertainties in Busan outcomes: Who does what ?

After Rome (2003), Paris (2005) and Accra (2008), the 4th High-level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan ended in the adoption of a “Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation”. Amidst the applause that closed the final session, a new era in development cooperation emerged. This could be the “turning point” (“basculement du monde”) or the “end of aid”, to use the respective titles given by Jean-Michel Severino to his latest book and a recent article. The Busan declaration appears to broaden the scope of dialogue about development, beyond aid, and to extend its geographical base, beyond traditional donors.

Guillaumont, P.  "Busan, des résultats teintés d’incertitude : qui fait quoi ?" Ferdi, Policy brief B44, december 2011