Do free caesarean section policies increase inequalities in Benin and Mali

Benin and Mali introduced user fee exemption policies focused on caesarean sections (C-sections) in 2005 and 2009, respectively. These policies had a positive impact on access to C-sections and facility based deliveries among all women, but the impact on socioeconomic inequality is still highly uncertain. The objective of this study was to observe whether there was an increase or a decrease in urban/rural and socioeconomic inequalities in access to C-sections and facility based deliveries after the free C-section policy was introduced.

Ravit M., Audibert M., Ridde V., de Loenzien M., Schantz C., Dumont A. (2018), “Do free caesarean section policies increase inequalities in Benin and Mali?”, International Journal for Equity in Health, vol. 17 (71)