Global bilateral migration database 1960-2000

Thanks to the collection and extension of over 1,000 censuses and population registers, the authors have constructed global origin/destination matrices of bilateral migrant flows for 226 countries/regions at 10-year intervals over the period 1960-2000.

The empirical analysis of migration flows suffers from a lack of reliable data. 

Thanks to the collection and extension of over 1,000 censuses and population registers, the authors have constructed global origin/destination matrices of bilateral migrant flows for 226 countries/regions at 10-year intervals over the period 1960-2000. 

These data reveal an increase in global migrant numbers from 92 million people to 165 million people between 1960 and 2000, a dominance of South-South migration, the US remaining the most important migration destination in the world, and the proportion of women in global migration has increased.

Data base :


Version : 2011-01-01

World Bank