WTO’s 20th anniversary : an overview of 20 years of integration into the multilateral trading system.

October 12, 2015, Genève

Jaime de Melo, Scientifique Advisor for Ferdi has presented an overview of the LLDCs trade share

Twenty years of supporting the integration of least developed countries into the multilateral trading system.

As part of the WTO’s 20th anniversary activities, this event provided an opportunity to review how the WTO has helped least developed countries (LDCs) integrate into the multilateral trading system. It took stock of the key developments and decisions taken in favour of LDCs, the institutional support provided and the trade capacity-building initiatives put in place. The event also looked ahead to how the WTO and the larger international community can help LDCs overcome the remaining challenges in their integration into the multilateral trading system, including possible measures that could be considered for LDCs at the Tenth WTO Ministerial Conference in Nairobi in December this year.

Jaime de Melo, Scientific Advisor at Ferdi and Emeritus Professor of the University of Geneva has presented an overview of the LLDCs trade share  :