UNCTAD: Presentation of the book "Out of the trap : Supporting the least developed countries"

January 23, 2020, Genève

UNCTAD and FERDI organize the presentation of the book edited by Patrick Guillaumont, in Geneva, the 23rd January 2020 - from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.


Opening remarks
Ms. Isabelle Durant, Deputy Secretary-General, UNCTAD 

Presentation of the main findings of the book
Prof. Patrick Guillaumont, President, FERDI

International support to LDCs into the next decade
HE Robert Salama, Ambassador of Malawi

The challenge of the assessment of the impact of support measures
Prof. Jean-Louis Arcand, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

Official financing of LDC development
Mr. Rolf Traeger, Chief, LDC Section, UNCTAD

The impact on trade of LDC membership 
Prof. Céline Carrère, , University of Geneva

The LDC treatment in WTO: effects and prospects
Mr. Rainer Lanz, Secretary, Sub-Committee on Least Developed Countries, WTO

Developments in the EIF assistance to LDCs
Mr. Simon Hess, Head, monitoring and Evaluation, EIF

Open discussion
